You either love Valentine’s Day, or you hate it because you think it is a commercialized act. Despite the fact how you feel about this event, he probably arranged a surprise or a gift for you. Do you want to stand there empty handed? No? Good – we will help you out to really impress him!
1. C1 Mono Headset
With this Mono Headset he can call you safely while driving. The minimalistic, cylindrical housing of the Avanca C1 Mono Headset is made of anodized aluminum and durable PVC. The beautiful and sophisticated design has been awarded with the prestigious Red Dot Design Award 2016.
Available on (shipment to The Netherlands only) and AllesMobiel (shipment to The Netherlands and Belgium only).
More info2. Bluetooth Beanie
He can keep his cold ears warm and listen to his favorite music at the same time. And if you call him, he won’t even have to put off the beanie. He can simply answer the call using the integrated microphone.
Available on Amazon, eBay, (shipment to The Netherlands only) and AllesMobiel (30% discount – shipment to The Netherlands and Belgium only).
More infoValentine’s Day origin
Where Valentine’s Day used to be a day to celebrate the canonization of priest Valentinus, who in the 3rd century AD. was beheaded because he secretly married soldiers with their loved ones (singles were more willing to die on the battlefield). Or because a few hundred years ago it was unusual to openly express your love to someone, but on February 14 everyone could surprise his/her lover with a gift or letter, without being punished. That it is caused by the writer Geoffrey Chaucer who wrote “For this was on seynt Valentynes day, Whan every foul cometh ther to chese his mate” in the 14th century, or is it derived from the Roman Lupercalia Festival?
3. Wireless Sports Headphones + Sports Belt
This is actually a post-Valentine gift. It will take a lot of burpees to get rid of that lovely breakfast on February 14. These wireless headphones connect to any smartphone and are designed to make sure they never fall out of his ears. He can put his smartphone in the Sports Belt, to have 100% freedom of movement.
Sports Headphones
Available on Amazon, eBay, (shipment to The Netherlands only) and AllesMobiel (30% discount – shipment to The Netherlands and Belgium only).
Sports Belt
Available on Amazon, (shipment to The Netherlands only) and AllesMobiel (30% discount – shipment to The Netherlands and Belgium only).
The facts
The only fact are the English immigrants who introduced Valentine’s Day in the United States. The first mass production of lace cards was set up in Boston in 1847. Ever since, Valentine’s Day has become increasingly commercialized and a popular gift-giving event.
Source: IsGeschiedenis