Do you have a question about AVANCA® or our products? Use the contact form on this page to contact us.

If you have a question about your order we appreciate it if you provide us with as many details as possible about your order, so we can assist you in the best way. The more information you give us, the faster we can help you!

Do you prefer to call us? You can reach us at + 31 (0) 174 700 200 from Monday-Friday between 09.00 and 17.00. Please keep your order details ready.

Frequently Asked Questions

Please read our FAQ’s before sending us a message.

When do I receive my order?
That depends on where you bought the product. We always try to ship your product as fast as possible. Please check the delivery terms of the platform where you bought our product first. If you still have doubts or your order is late, provide us with your order details so we can check your order status.
I want to change my order, is that possible?
In some cases, it's possible. As long as we did not process your order, you can still change it. Please use the contact form to provide us with all your details. Note that when you bought one of our products at an online platform such as Groupon, you might need to contact the seller.
I am looking for a product, but I cannot find it on your website
This is a brand new website, launched in December 2013. We are adding new products everyday. Please let us know if a product is missing, we will try to add it as soon as possible.
I am interested in selling your products, is that possible?
Yes, that is possible. We make careful selections where our products are sold and are open to new partnerships always. Please use the contact form to tell us about your company!


Contact the AVANCA® team



10th floor building A
Maanweg 174
The Netherlands

+ 31 (0) 174 700 200


Reflectiestraat 14
2631 RV Nootdorp